If you are interested in registering for the 2022-23 school year, current families will begin registering on January 3. Registration will be open to the general public on January 17, 2022. We will be registering via a Google form this year and the link will be...
Back to School Night and Meet the Teacher Day Schedules
Parents should have received this information by email, but here are the schedules for Back to School Night and Meet the Teacher Days.
Check out our updated website!!
We hope you like what you see on our newly updated website!
Enrollment Information
Our classes are currently full for the 2021-2022 school year. If you would like to be added to our wait list, please email jstoner@camphillumc.org with the following information: child’s name, birthday, parent name, email, and phone number. If a spot becomes...
Preschool will be closed THIS AFTERNOON Monday, February 22.
We’ve had reports of bad roads, so we will cancel our afternoon class today.
Preschool OPEN on Friday, Feb. 19
We will be open today. Please use your own judgement when deciding whether or not to head out on the roads.
Preschool Closed Thursday, February 18
It sounds like most of the snow will happen during preschool hours, so we will be closed. Stay safe!
Registration for the 2021-2022 School Year – UPDATE
We are currently registering for the 2021-2022 school year. At this time, there is still availability in the Under Three Program and in some of the 4 year old classes. The Older 4s/5s class is full and all of the 3 year old classes are full. The registration form can...
Registration for 2020-2021 school year begins in January
Current students will receive registration forms on January 6, 2020, and can begin registering at that time. New families can begin registering on Wednesday, January 22, 2020. The 2020-2021 Registration Form is posted under the...