Our Philosophy
It is the philosophy of this CHUM Preschool that early childhood should be a time of fun, warmth, security, exploration, and discovery. Preschool children are creative and receptive; this program strives to nurture and encourage these qualities in its students.
Our preschool provides an atmosphere that encourages the social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth and development of each child as a whole.
Planned within the framework of our philosophy, our curriculum includes but is not limited to sharing and conversation time; stories, songs, fingerplays; creative expression through drama; crafts; small and large motor skills; games; food preparation; science and nature activities; exposure to colors, shapes, numbers, and letters; introduction to the seasons of the year; and the celebration of birthdays and holidays. Consideration is always given to the age of the children and the developmental appropriateness of each activity. We use the Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Early Childhood published by the Pennsylvania Department of Education as a guide for instruction.
Our goal is to enrich, enhance and nurture the lives of our students while fostering greater independence, self-worth, creativity, and self-confidence…the final result being a happy, well-adjusted child!

Jen Stoner, Director
CHUM Preschool has been a ministry of Camp Hill UMC for over 40 years. We provide preschool to approximately 200 students each year from 18 months – 5 years of age. I get to spend my mornings with preschoolers and I LOVE IT! I have worked at the preschool as a teacher and now as the director for the past 15 years.