Preschool Association

As family members of a child attending CHUM Preschool, we encourage you to get involved with our CHUM Preschool Association (formerly called Steering Committee). The Preschool Association is a group of parent volunteers that sponsors various activities throughout the year. Meetings are held monthly. Children are welcome at the meetings! Attending Preschool Association meetings is a great way to get to know what is going on in your child’s preschool as well as a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow parents.

The following is a list of some of the activities that the association provides:

  • Fall school pictures
  • Vision and speech screenings
  • Thanksgiving Food Drive
  • Christmas Giving Tree
  • Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
  • Teacher Birthday Celebrations
  • Hands-On-Week
  • End-of-year Events – ice cream days, special programs for the kids, & gifts for the teachers
  • Fun Fair – This is the major fundraising activity of the preschool. This fair is how the Preschool Association makes the money to do the above projects, as well as buy items the preschool needs. It is a Friday night of fun for the whole family – games, food, online auction items, crafts and prizes. Needless to say, to be successful, it takes many, many volunteers.

Join Our Meetings

Meetings are held the first Tuesday or Wednesday of each month. All meetings are 9:45 am to 11:00 am in room 118 across from Mrs. Stoner’s office. Children are welcome to accompany parents to the meetings! Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to volunteer if you cannot attend the scheduled meetings. Contact us at

Event Dates 2024-2025


Creatures of the Night (4’s, Older 4’s & 5’s)  October 

School Pictures 

November 4 and 5
Thanksgiving Fund Drive  November 4-15
Book Fair November 4-8
Vision Screenings October 16 and 17
Christmas Giving Tree December 2 – December 13
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast TBD
Speech Screenings


Hands-On-Week TBD
Fun Fair   TBD
Mr. Music TBD
Bounce House TBD